Snail Transport 开发者更新

发布于 2022-09-30  436 次阅读

Snail Transport Development Update (2022/9)

Sept. 30th, 2022


This month, apart from maintaining our bot service, we built more contents for our official web.

Bot Service | 机器人服务

  • 为机器人的部分内部斜线命令添加了本地化支持

  • Added localization support to several internal slash commands

Official Web | 官网

  • 全新更新用户界面
  • 添加友情链接分区

  • Brand new UI

  • External Links module

Snail Transport 社区的机器人将会在未来持续维护更新,关注我们的 👍bot-update Discord 频道及 👍 机器人更新 KOOK 频道以获取机器人维护与更新通知!

Snail Transport Bot will get maintained and updated continuously in the future. Follow 👍bot-update Discord channel and 👍 机器人更新 KOOK channel to get notified!

文案/Copywriting: Ge Xiaohe

翻译/Translation: Ge Xiaohe