How to Join Snail Transport

May. 21st, 2020

在获得 TruckersMP 的官方认证后,我们很高兴能够看到越来越多的玩家对加入 Snail Transport 充满兴趣,并收到了一些国内外玩家通过 TruckersMP VTC 系统的直接申请。Snail Transport 正努力探索对海外玩家的接纳,因此撰写了本文来向您介绍如何加入 Snail Transport。

After getting the official verification from TruckersMP, we are glad to see more and more players are interested in joining Snail Transport, and have received many direct applications via TruckersMP VTC System from all over the world. Snail Transport is trying out best to explore the admissions for players from the world. Hence this post was written to introduce how you can join Snail Transport.

对玩家的要求 | Requirements for Players

  • 年满 18 岁,如果您是学生,请保证游戏不会影响您的学业;
  • 有清晰的麦克风,才能与其他人良好沟通;
  • 联运中听从指挥,遵守 Snail Transport 首页 显示的规则,以及 TruckersMP 官方规则
  • 能很好的和其他兄弟相处。


  • You are at least 18 years old, and make sure the game will not affect your studies if you are a student.
  • You need to have a clear microphone to be able to communicate with others well.
  • You have to obey the directions in the convoy, and the rules shown in the homepage of Snail Transport VTC and Official TruckersMP Rules.
  • You should get along with other players well.

所需 DLC | DLCs You Need to Have

请您在申请加入前确认拥有以下 DLC.

Please make sure you have these DLCs before applying.

关于沟通 | About Communicating

中国玩家需使用 腾讯 QQ开黑啦 进行交流。如果您不会说汉语,目前您可以通过 Discord 与游戏内文字聊天与其它玩家交流,我们仍鼓励您使用 腾讯 QQ 国际版KOOK 来与其它玩家进行直接交流。

As Chinese players, you have to use Tencent QQ and KOOK to communicate with members. However, if you are not a Chinese speaker, at present, you can communicate with others via Discord and in-game text chatting. We still encourage you to use Tencent QQ International and KOOK directly.

如何申请 | How to Apply

我们需要确认玩家是否满足上述需求,因此请通过我们的 QQ 接待群 545475401Snail Transport Discord 社区Snail Transport KOOK 社区 与我们联络。

We hope to communicate with a player furtherly to check whether the player meets the requirements above before confirming the admission. Hence please contact us in our Reception QQ Group 545475401 or Snail Transport Discord Guild or Snail Transport KOOK Guild.

成为一员后 | After Joining us

  • 进车队后先领取实习编号,并同步更新至 QQ 群、KOOK、Discord、TruckersMP 插件昵称。
  • 队员周一至周五依个人实际情况参加联运,周末 2 天需至少有一天参加联运。
  • 逢重大活动却不能参加时需及时私聊车队管理请假,车队不接受临时请假及群内请假。
  • 加入车队后,无论过往经历与职位如何,一律从实习队员开始。
  • 加入车队后,互相尊重,互相帮助,不得在车队内部吵架、挑起争端,如对某成员或管理有意见,请直接私聊队长反映。
  • 联运时需听从指挥,不得超车、飙车。
  • 车队联运时需使用统一前缀 Snail Transport


  • Claim your newcomer number, which should be a part of your QQ group nickname, KOOK nickname, Discord nickname, and TruckersMP username.
  • Participate in our daily convoy activities according to your actual situations, but at least once every weekend.
  • Ask for a leave by private messages in time if you cannot participate in a specific activity. We do not accept any requests on the point of starting the activity, or any requests sent into the public chat.
  • You will be regarded as a newcomer after joining us regardless of your previous experience and positions.
  • Respect and help each other. Do not quarrel or stir up disputes. PM the leader directly if you have objections or complaints to some member or manager.
  • Obey the directions on convoy activities. Do not overtake other vehicles without permission. Do not race on the roads.
  • Change your in-game tag to Snail Transport when running convoys.

Snail Transport 正期待您的加入!

Snail Transport is looking forward to your application!

文案/Copywriting: Ge Xiaohe

翻译/Translation: Ge Xiaohe